This blog gives step by step guidance on.

  1. Create webapp for python flask
  2. Deploy to azure.
  3. Add AAD authentication.
  4. Create CI CD pipeline using azure devops.
  5. Create documentation using mkdocs.
  6. upload mkdocs documentation to a separate static html webapp.
  7. Set up CI CD for mkdocs

clone the git repo with sample code.

    git clone
    cd flaskWebApp

1. Create a Virtual environment

    conda create -n webapp python==3.7
    conda activate webapp

2. create requirements.txt file. install dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Instruction to create, test and deploy to azure app service # 5. Run locally
    Set-Item Env:FLASK_APP ".\"
    flask run # 6. Install azue CLI using powershell: [official docs](

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi; Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet'; rm .\AzureCLI.msi

This did not install CLI for me (probably permission issue). So run these commands one by one.

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi
    Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi'
    rm .\AzureCLI.msi

Restart powershell

    az login # 7. Deploy flask web app to azure app service.

    az webapp up --sku F1 -n krishan-test-flask

This failed for me. Probably because it tries to create a new resource group in a default subscription which requires owner access.

I set default subscription and passed a resource group where I have owner access.

    az account set --subscription "<subscription id>"
    az webapp up -n krishan-test-flask --resource-group <existing-rg-name>

It takes some time but finally created the webapp. I could view my web app in the azure portal’s app service section

    "URL": "",
    "appserviceplan": "krkusuk_asp_Linux_centralus_0",
    "location": "centralus",
    "name": "krishan-test-flask",
    "os": "Linux",
    "runtime_version": "python|3.7",
    "runtime_version_detected": "-",
    "sku": "PREMIUMV2",
    "src_path": "C:\\Users\\krkusuk\\repos\\flaskWebApp"
    } The webapp is up and running

8. Add AAD authentication to webapp

This will restrict access to people with from your company..

Did not understand point 5.

9. Make changes and redeploy

First make some change to the hello() function

        return "Hello World Again!"
    az webapp up

10. Automatic deployment

We want the app service to be updated whenever we checkin new changes.

The CLI command above creates a zip of the webapp code and uploads the content to some location. This is abstracted. We want this CLI step to be executed through a CI CD pipeline.

CI is for building the deployment package. CD is for deployment to app sevice or other such services.

Very good documentation

Build CICD pipeline following above documentation. CI and CD will be two different stages.

If getting authentication error on subscription , go to project settings-> service connection -> Azure Resource Manager -> create new service connection

11. Make project docs using md files and docstring

    cd docs
    mkdocs serve

    mkdocs build The htmls arepresent in docs/site now.

Looks like flask was not required afterall. cd docs/site az webapp up -n krishan-test-html –html –resource-group hackathon #resource group bert-base threw error saying it’s not configured for windows

It shows the documents now.

It can be handy to include the flask section in future though when we want to add some functionality.

12. Use azure pipeline for mkdocs project

Since this is a new webapp, let’s creat another azure pipeline.

Go to your devops account-> pipeline->new pipeline->Github-> select application -> python to linux webapp on azure - >

If getting authentication error with the workspace, go to service connection in project settings, delete existing connection and create a new one with proper resource group

select pythonpackage in configure. We will manually modify the yaml and change the deployment to azure app service. For this demo, copy azure-pipelines.yml content into the pipeline.

Run pipeline. Solve any errors in the pipeline.

Make changes in the and mkdocs.yml and checkin. See changes automatically being deployed by CI pipeline.

Open and see latest changes reflected after the pipeline runs automatically.