In this blog we are going to use a new library called praxis to create neural networks.

Pax Layer basics

  • A Pax Layer represents an arbitrary function - possibly - with trainable parameters.
  • Have one or more fields and a call method. Additional setup method to initialize variables and create child layers from templates.
  • 3 groups of fields.
    • Hyperparameters
      • Data class syntax. Required to have default values
      • frozen when the layer is instantiated.
        <name>: type = <default value>
    • Child layers
      • Can be declared
        <name>: <type> = instance_field(<factory>)

      • Factory is layer class name like Bias or factory function returning layer
      • From templates: self.create_child
    • Layer templates

      Declare the template as dataclass element. <name>: fdl.Config[<type>] = template_field(<factory>)


  • Similar to forward function
  • self.theta.w

    refers to trainable weight w

  • self.get_var(‘var name’)

    refers to non-trainable weights.

  • Trainable weights are immutable in __call__ while non-trainable weights can be updated with

    self.update_var('moving_mean', new_moving_mean).

  • Pax BaseLayer handles key splitting -


  • self.add_summary report summaries to be shown in tensorboard.
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from praxis import base_layer
from praxis import pax_fiddle
from praxis import layers

Create linear transformation layer

class LinearLayer(base_layer.BaseLayer):
  # hyper params
  input_shape:int = 10
  output_shape:int = 1

  def setup(self) -> None:
            shape = ( self.input_shape, self.output_shape),
        dtype = jnp.float32,
        init = base_layer.WeightInit.GaussianSqrtFanOut()
  def __call__(self, input_arr:jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
    return, self.theta.w)
ll = LinearLayer(input_shape=10, output_shape=1)
x = jnp.ones((1, 10))
params = ll.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), x)
ll.apply(params, x)
    # attributes
    dtype = float32
    fprop_dtype = float32
    params_init = WeightInit(method='xavier', scale=1.000001)
    skip_lp_regularization = None
    ici_mesh_shape = None
    dcn_mesh_shape = None
    contiguous_submeshes = None
    mesh_axis_names = None
    shared_weight_layer_id = None
    weight_split_dims_mapping = <PaxConfig[BaseLayer.WeightSharding()]>
    activation_split_dims_mapping = <PaxConfig[BaseLayer.ActivationSharding()]>
    input_shape = 10
    output_shape = 1
{'params': {'w': Array([[ 0.72848314],
       [ 0.02715359],
       [-0.5122817 ],
       [ 0.7711007 ],
       [-0.8339252 ],
       [-1.7766718 ],
       [ 0.47857362],
       [ 1.4492182 ],
       [ 0.64895594]], dtype=float32)}}

Array([[0.92126644]], dtype=float32)

Create Bias Layer

class BiasLayer(base_layer.BaseLayer):
  #hyper params
  input_shape: int = 1

  def setup(self) -> None:
                             shape = (self.input_shape),
                             dtype = jnp.float32,
                             init = base_layer.WeightInit.Constant(0.0)
  def __call__(self, input_arr:jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
    return self.theta.b + input_arr
b = BiasLayer(input_shape=(1,))
params = b.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), x)
print(x, b.apply(params,x))
    # attributes
    dtype = float32
    fprop_dtype = float32
    params_init = WeightInit(method='xavier', scale=1.000001)
    skip_lp_regularization = None
    ici_mesh_shape = None
    dcn_mesh_shape = None
    contiguous_submeshes = None
    mesh_axis_names = None
    shared_weight_layer_id = None
    weight_split_dims_mapping = <PaxConfig[BaseLayer.WeightSharding()]>
    activation_split_dims_mapping = <PaxConfig[BaseLayer.ActivationSharding()]>
    input_shape = (1,)
{'params': {'b': Array([0.], dtype=float32)}}
[[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]] [[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]

Two layers in one

class FFNLayer(base_layer.BaseLayer):
  #hyper params
  input_shape: int = 10
  output_shape: int = 1
  # data class objects should be immutable.
  # you don't want to create a mutable default value at the class level
  # since it would be shared across all instances of the class
  # pax_fiddle.template_field will make sure that a PaxConfig[ReLU] is 
  # created instead of actual RELU class when data class is instantiated.
  activation_tpl:pax_fiddle.Config[layers.activations.BaseActivation] \
  = pax_fiddle.template_field(layers.activations.ReLU)

  def setup(self) -> None:
    linear_tpl = pax_fiddle.Config(
        LinearLayer, input_shape=self.input_shape, output_shape=self.output_shape
    self.create_child('linear', params = linear_tpl)
    bias_tpl = pax_fiddle.Config(BiasLayer, input_shape=(1,))
    self.create_child('bias', params = bias_tpl)

    self.activation_tpl.dtype = jnp.float32
    self.create_child('activation', params = self.activation_tpl)

  def __call__(self, input_arr:jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
    x = self.linear(input_arr)
    x = self.bias(x)
    x = self.activation(x)
    return x
ffn_tpl = pax_fiddle.Config(FFNLayer, input_shape=INPUT_DIM, output_shape=OUTPUT_DIM)
ffn = pax_fiddle.instantiate(ffn_tpl)
    # attributes
    dtype = float32
    fprop_dtype = float32
    params_init = WeightInit(method='xavier', scale=1.000001)
    skip_lp_regularization = None
    ici_mesh_shape = None
    dcn_mesh_shape = None
    contiguous_submeshes = None
    mesh_axis_names = None
    shared_weight_layer_id = None
    weight_split_dims_mapping = <PaxConfig[BaseLayer.WeightSharding()]>
    activation_split_dims_mapping = <PaxConfig[BaseLayer.ActivationSharding()]>
    input_shape = 5
    output_shape = 10
    activation_tpl = <PaxConfig[ReLU(
      params_init=<PaxConfig[WeightInit(method='xavier', scale=1.000001)]>,
x = jnp.ones((1, INPUT_DIM))
params = ffn.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(1), x)
print(jax.tree_map(lambda param: param.shape, params))
model_output = ffn.apply(params, x)
{'params': {'bias': {'b': (1,)}, 'linear': {'w': (5, 10)}}}

Array([[0.       , 0.       , 0.       , 0.       , 0.       , 0.       ,
        0.8527815, 0.9642554, 0.       , 0.       ]], dtype=float32)

Validate correctness

y =, params['params']['linear']['w'])
y = y + params['params']['bias']['b']
y =[y<0].set(0)
Array([[0.       , 0.       , 0.       , 0.       , 0.       , 0.       ,
        0.8527815, 0.9642554, 0.       , 0.       ]], dtype=float32)
assert (model_output == y).all()